Best-in-class equipment & specialists keeping your vision perfect as the Eagle!

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We Have Best Professional Team To Care Your Eyes

    We all need to have regular eye exams to optimize our vision, screen for causes of irreversible blindness such as glaucoma which is a thief of sight, ensure children wear corrective lenses at an early age to prevent impairment to optimal vision (known as amblyopia or lazy eyes). The different age groups are summarized below. INFANTS: Infants should be screened for conditions such as squint (popularly known in Nigeria as ‘eyes with half past four’), Retinoblastoma and congenital glaucoma. So, if babies have got eye balls bigger than normal, leukokoria (when you notice an unusual white reflex from the eyes), inability to follow objects when brought in front of them). Then, seeing an eye specialist will be beneficial to the child CHILDREN: Children must be screened before starting full time studies to ensure they can see the board clearly, read comfortably without headaches and identify properly different colours which will enhance good learning skills and development. It must be noted that children who have got vision challenges and can be improved with glasses must wear those lenses constantly to prevent them from having amblyopia (Lazy eyes) ADULTS: Adults particularly from age 40 may experience difficulty reading tiny prints and as such reading glasses would be prescribed. Kindly note that is not a disease per se but a natural phenomenon where the lens cannot change shape (accommodate) to read very tiny prints. Also, as this age screening for glaucoma and cataract is essential. AGED: The aged should even have more regular eye test because as most age related such as cataract, glaucoma, age related retinal degenerations if picked up early should be properly managed,  
    If a patient has a history of not seeing very clearly at distance and at near, frequent and recurrent headaches, inability to recognize and differentiate colours, eye pain, itching. You need to see an eye care specialist. Do you sometimes see sudden flashes of light, “floaters” or specks, or gray curtain moving across your field of vision? You may have a vision threatening retinal tear or detachment. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you should visit us as soon as possible.
    The eye care providers consist of the Optometrist who is the primary care giver with testing and diagnosing eye diseases, prescribing glasses and contact lenses, low vision rehabilitation and also in management of minor diseases. An ophthalmologist is a physician who specializes in eye disorders and diseases. In order to diagnose and treat vision disorders and eye diseases, as well as provide medical and surgical treatment, a qualified physician must have several additional years of specialized education and training. An Optician is the technician who fixes and ensures proper fitting of frames and lenses.
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