Best-in-class equipment & specialists keeping your vision perfect as the Eagle!

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Consulting Fees

The page is an overview of some of the typical charges associated with Riant Eye Clinic’s premium services. All consultations include complimentary biomicroscope imaging of the front of your eyes.


Comprehensive Consultation N50,000
Comprehensive Consultation (Child <10 years) N50,000
Short Consultation N25,000 (up to 15 mins duration)
Dry Eye or Blepharitis Assessment N100,000 (includes specialty dry eye testing and tear-film analysis, such as TearLab Tear Chemistry Testing)
Myopia Control Assessment N75,000 (includes corneal shape measurement and eye length measurement)
New Contact Lens Assessment N75,000 (includes corneal shape measurement)
Keratoconus Assessment N75,000 (includes corneal shape measurement and corneal thickness measurement with anterior OCT scan)


Retinal OCT Scan including Retinal Photography: N35,000
Corneal Shape Measurement (Topography): N20,000
Visual Field Testing: N25,000
Eye Length Measurement: N20,000 (used for myopia control monitoring)

Specialty Contact Lenses

Orthokeratology Lenses: N150,000 (depending on the lens required for your eye)
Scleral Lenses: N200,000
Rigid Corneal Lens: N140,000

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